When Passion Destroys Itself: How My Love of Television Prevents Me From Loving Television
I love TV, but my ability to predict what’s going to happen kinda sucks
Blackout Bingo: Does It Really Make You Money?
Free money from Blackout Bingo? Not so much.
The Rewatch: One Tree Hill
I re-watched One Tree Hill so you don’t have to (but you totally should)
At Some Point, the Birds Will Be Upside Down
We all face the occasional upside down bird-it’s how you handle it that matters.
Gen Z is Ready for a Fight-and I’m Here for It
Gen Z is taking the reigns-and I’m happy to let them.
It’s (Probably) Not Too Late to Follow Your Dreams
We all have regrets in life…but we can change a lot of them.
Part-Time Teachers Could Help Solve the National Shortage
Opening up part-time teaching opportunities could go a long way in helping to relieve our nation’s teacher shortage
Why We're Not Coming To Your Party
Just because it’s a kid’s party doesn’t mean it’s the right choice for MY kid
Can Regular Tutoring Improve Mental Health?
There are a number of ways regular tutoring can positively impact students’ mental health
Mistakes You're Making on Your Teacher Resume
Whether you’re transitioning out of education or just looking to move schools, these mistakes could cost you the job
My Dad is Old School, But He’s Coming Around
My dad’s not exactly a technical wizard; the other day he accused me of giving his computer a virus when I resized the browser window.
Why Teachers Hate PD
It’s no secret that teachers think most professional development is a waste of precious time. Why do those job it is to create a love of learning hate it so much?
You Should Not Read Your Angsty Old Journals, But I Did
I am not the same woman who wrote in my journal from 15 years ago.
Are We All Just Masquerading As Adults? I Think So
Just because we become adults, doesn’t mean we have to give up the things we loved as kids.
Why Educators are Leaving the Classroom
There are certain elements that are poisoning the well of our educational system